
Our Love Filled Life

Monday, October 21, 2013

Our top 15 favourite Baby/Toddler Products {Part 3}

Sifting through these old pictures of our little boy modeling some of our (and his) favourite products brought back so many memories today. It reminded me of when Ben and I first became parents - how our role's in life had changed. It was a learning process for both of us, filled with challenges that only made us stronger and brought us closer as a family. Just looking back at pictures brings back floods of emotions. Landon is no longer that tiny baby anymore - but a spunky hilarious toddler! It's been such a joy to watch him grow up and to be there for each stage of life. Here are the next 5 of our favourite products that we enjoyed using during his first year...

Nursing Pillow

I don't know if Ben would be able to confirm this but I'm sure most mom's would agree with me that the Boppy Pillow is a definite must have! Of course I used it mostly for nursing (which was great and super comfy) but Landon really enjoyed using it as a lounging chair as well:)

It was always nice to be able to prop him up on the couch and have the comfort in knowing he wasn't gonna topple over in it. He also used it for his tummy time too and hardly ever fussed with it.

Even as he got older and bigger it always worked well to keep him in a comfy position either laying down or propped up.

Diaper Genie

In the beginning we were one of those couples that said "Nah, we don't need one of those Diaper Genie things, lets just use a garbage can like real people."

Which was fine for the newborn stage and those diapers - but as he got older we knew we had to make the switch. We love our diaper genie and we're so happy we made this purchase. It's never given us any issues with odour and it's super easy to empty! We haven't tried any of the other brands of diaper pails so I'm sure those work just as good too. Ours is the diaper genie elite and we purchased it at Babies R Us.

Travel High Chair

This travel high chair was another one of those "mouth drop" products for me. They have so many cool products for kids it's unbelievable! Some not always necessary - but this one totally is! It was suggested by a friend of mine for our first trip to Germany with Landon. She used them with her girls during her family trip to London & Germany and really stressed how amazing they are. And after she showed me how it works and trying it out for the first time with Landon - I totally agree!

These travel high chairs by my-little-seat are so convenient and useful. I was very surprised to see how small the packaging is for these. It truly is a portable high chair! I love that the travel case for the chair is so compact you can just toss it in your diaper bag and it hardly takes up any space.

We've used ours when we're invited for dinner at a friends place or with family - we've also used it at our meeting hall/church when we have potlucks or different events. What's great about them is they are of course machine washable! Ours has been in the dryer several times and hasn't shrunken in size at all which I was very happy with.

I really like that this seat has a 5 point harness that helps keep baby nice and secure - which is pretty good for something so compact. It fits children up to 40lbs and you can start using the seat when your child is around 6 months and can sit up alone without much assistance. So you can see how it works I used one of our kitchen chairs to demonstrate on.

1. First you slip the high chair top over the top of your chair

2. Next sit your adorable child into the seat and tightly tie both safety straps around the back of the chair. Then clip in the harness straps. And Voila!

It is such a clever invention and we love using it! We bought ours at a baby store (forget the name of it now) when we were living in Toronto - but you can find these on Amazon or at mylittleseat.com. We definitely recommend it!

Carseat Canopy

Oh I know - another awesome invention! This carseat canopy was a gift from my sister in law and I absolutely LOVED it! It's a beautifully lightweight cover that velcros onto the carseat handle.

You easily flip it over the carseat to protect baby from the rain, sun, wind, snow etc. while he/she sits comfortably inside. They have so many different colours and patterns to choose from and the inside of the canopy is a super soft minky material. Again with this product is that it is machine washable. (Totally necessary for all baby products!)

If you'd like to get one for yourself or for a gift for someone you know just check out their website!

The style that I chose is called Hawslee. They have tons of new patterns out now as well and they're super cute! Just a quick tip - if you or someone you know is a crafty sewer you could always just make one yourself too. The design is pretty basic and it could be a fun project to get into.

B: We had the best use for the canopy during the cold Canadian winter. Bringing Landon in the car seat from the warm house into the cold car was a probably a lot nicer for him with the canopy.

Playtex Nurser & Avent Bottles

The only bottles Landon seemed to take/like were the Playtex Nurser and the Avent bottles. He was pretty specific with what he liked and these seemed to be just right for him. To be honest I can't tell you why these bottles are so amazing - I know he just preferred the nipples on these ones because they are smaller and not so round? 

At first we only used the Playtex Nurser bottles with the drop in bags. We were fine with them for quite a while - but eventually got sick of always having to buy the inserts. They were great when Landon was a newborn though because using the liners meant that we didn't always have to boil the bottles. Which was convenient - but most times convenience comes at a cost. Another bonus with using the liners was that we could push all the air out of the bottle before we gave it to him. This reduces gas pain and reflux. 

B: I think if we have another child we might either switch to the Avent bottles earlier or use them right away. The Playtex Nurser turned out to be pretty expensive over the long run and also started leaking randomly. No matter how we tightened the lid, put the liners in... at the end they somehow started leaking.

Once Landon got older we switched to the Avent bottles. It was the only one I could find that had the similar nipple size and shape that he liked - and this way we also didn't need the liners anymore. 

Our little man gives them a thumbs up!

We hope that our outlook on some of these products can be of some help to you all that are on the lookout for good baby products and specific brands. Have a great week everyone!

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