
Our Love Filled Life

Monday, October 7, 2013

Not so gloomy Monday

Most people would consider this a very unpleasant sight first thing in the morning. Well I was actually quite relieved and happy to see these dark rain clouds outside my window today. I used to hate rainy days. It would affect my mood most of the day and I'd just feel trapped inside. I'd continuously be on the lookout for the sidewalks to dry and the sun to make it's appearance - but it just never would. I used to dread rainy days, but now I embrace them. The first person I thought of this morning was my brother in law. He completely changed my outlook on these "gloomy weather" days. He told me not to look at it as a negative thing but to make it something positive. Light some candles. Stay in comfy clothes all day. Cuddle up under a blanket. Get things done inside you don't normally make time to do when it's nice outside...

This candle makes the whole house smell amazing!!!! I love it so much!

For me I definitely feel less guilty on days like today. If it was a gorgeous sunny day outside I'd feel bad about staying in most of the day. I'd want to take Landon to the park, go on a nice long walk, or drive around doing errands...but on rainy days I have no guilt. I can have a day all comfy cozied up inside with my little guy and take advantage of it being "miserable" out. This morning when I looked out my window I couldn't help but smile. This was just what I needed today. The past few weeks have been pretty crazy around here. We had an especially busy weekend since it happened to be Ben's 30th Birthday on Saturday! Since most of our usual weekend chores got put on hold -  had my day all planned out from the second I saw the dark soppy wet outdoors. 

Landon woke up today in a super cuddly mood. Could my day possibly get any better? So we had some nice snuggle time in our pajamas this morning before breakfast. 

Since Monday's are usually my laundry days anyway, I knew after breakfast I'd have to tackle this disaster sprawled out on my basement floor. Why do I insist on letting these piles grow so big!? ( I'm not sure if you can tell or not but I actually had 2 more loads ready to go in the washer and dryer also.)

So again - thumbs up for rainy days right guys?

Landon's chocolaty shirt - the aftermath of Ben's birthday party.

Of course I had to sneak in a little baking on this chilly October day! Once Landon went down for a nap I busted out the bakeware and made me some Apple Streusel Muffins. They are so so so good! This house smells incredible today with the apple muffins and the pumpkin harvest candle together! Normally I wouldn't go snapping pictures of my kitchen when it looks like a disaster zone - but hey this is real life.

And these were totally worth every minute of the clean-up and dishes!

Annnd the after - Ok, that's MUCH better!

So just a little encouragement for everyone to try to make the best of rainy days. They're not all that bad.

Landon and I really enjoyed our "stay at home day" today! Although I'm noticing today that he's coming down with a pretty bad cold. That explains the cuddling this morning. So this was just what we needed! I'll end this here. Hopefully this was a nice reminder to embrace the gloomy rainy days!

Oh yeah - I successfully conquered the chaos in the laundry room! Yay!

Have a great night everyone!


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