
Our Love Filled Life

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fall Picnic In The Park

This was a spontaneous idea and I'm so happy we did it. I'm sure most of us let this busy hectic thing called "Life" get in the way and don't often take the time to appreciate these precious moments that we can have. I know for myself - I'm learning not to take these moments for granted. I was noticing that I was putting more focus and effort into things like how clean my house was rather than taking the time to realize the important things that matter so much more in my life. So I'm starting to have a new perspective on things. When I'm sitting on the couch cuddling with Landon and reading him a story - I'm not caring about the fact that I haven't washed my kitchen floor in a week. I'll get to it eventually! I'm not so quick to stress anymore. And I love that.

I've felt so much more free now that I've made this adjustment for my life - and my family's life. It's taken me a while to realize that my house doesn't always need to look perfect. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure there was a sink full of dishes and toys scattered all over the living room when we left for this little adventure. But I can honestly say that was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't imagine missing out on this. We had such a fun evening.

Our picnic wasn't anything glorious - but we like keeping it simple;) Can you guess what we were most excited about digging into first?

You got it. Ruffles sour cream and onion chips. Oh so delish. 

The warm fall evening was so beautiful. We shared good food...

Some pretty cute smiles and giggles...

And of course some exercise chasing this little munchkin around!

The 3 of us had a nice walk along the river together and admired these fabulous trees. The fall colours were just amazing! It was so peaceful here. We almost didn't take the camera along but we're SO happy that we did! Come take a walk with us...

Here are a few more snapshots from our evening...

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

Until next time...:)


1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like you had a wonderful time, and the photos of the trees with the fall colours was spectacular.
