
Our Love Filled Life

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Green Bean Fries

We are definitely trying to eat somewhat healthier these days - My plan was to have some healthy steamed green beans with dinner...but when I saw this recipe online, those plans quickly changed! What I've done here is taken a perfectly good nutritious vegetable - smothered it in bread crumbs and threw them in piping hot grease until crisped to perfection. It seemed so wrong...but at the same time it was just so right! They were absolutely delicious! Its going to be hard for me not to do this with every vegetable that enters our house now! These green beans are crispy on the outside and tender, but yet still have a bit of crunch on the inside.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chocolate Caramel Squares

My day was quite eventful today - between going through my bag summer clothes in the basement, catching up on laundry, a dentist appointment, baking an extremely tasty chocolate caramel treat, and making dinner - the day flew by pretty fast! I can hardly believe tomorrow is Friday already! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Marshmallow Muffins

One of the things I am enjoying so much about being on Maternity leave is all of this FREE TIME! This is a whole new world for me and I am loving every minute of it before my little guy comes. I know when I first started this blog I mentioned that I would be making atleast 1 recipe a week - Well I've noticed I haven't really kept my word with that challenge so I'm going to try to make sure I remind myself of it more often and use some of this free time of mine wisely. If I happen to miss a few weeks then I'll make it my goal to add more than one recipe the next week so it makes up for the time I've missed;) So lets see if I can stick with it this time!

This recipe book if one of my favorites and I think you might be able to guess why...

I am a chocoholic people! So when my dad came across this book at a yard sale last summer he didn't hesitate to scoop it up. I absolutely love the cd that came with it and its become a routine of mine to play it while I'm baking:) 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Greek Style Pasta Salad

What's the go-to side dish for a hamburgers-and-hotdogs cookout? Pasta salad, of course.

I may be jumping a little ahead of myself here but I can't help but be excited for picnic and Barbecue season! This is a recipe that was always a favorite at our Picnics, Potlucks, and Barbecues for the past few summers and its so incredibly simple to just throw together. A friend of mine from work gave me this recipe and it has been so helpful to me when I have to think of something to make at the last minute! I ended up making this when we had my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins over for a Barbecue on Saturday night and everyone really enjoyed it. We were also invited to an Easter potluck on Sunday and since I had leftover ingredients I thought I would quickly toss one together to bring along with us. It was a pretty big bowl so I sort of had the feeling we would be coming home with a week supply of leftovers for just the 2 of us to finish...but that was not the case at all! That huge bowl was cleaned right out! Not a crumb of cheese or a lonely little pepper left in the bowl.