As of right now we know so many people that are : 1) Planning on starting a family soon. 2) Are pregnant right now. and 3) Have just had a baby.
And of course the families that are always looking for new and exciting things to use for their kids!
We constantly have people asking us what our favourite brands and choices were for baby products for our son. So why not share it with everyone that might be interested? :) We have so many favourites but we've managed to narrow the list down to 15 main items. We've been working on this post for a loooonnnggg time - wanting to make sure we don't forget any important products or details. Ben is a research nut when it comes to picking baby products - or any product really! Which I love about him. So thank you hunny! A lot of these products we probably would of never discovered if it weren't for you!
To make things less overwhelming we'll only be sharing 5 products per post at a time. We'll try to post the different parts not too far apart from each other so you don't have to wait forever!
Firstly I just want to throw a quick little thought out there. Not all babies are the same - not all parents are the same. So what worked for us and our family might not work for you - but it might be worth giving it a try! :) We're just gonna go ahead and share some of ours with you! Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you haven't...So lets go through them...
Diaper Rash Cream
Our favourite diaper rash cream of all time is Zincofax
We LOVE this stuff - and would totally recommend it to anyone!
All babies get diaper rash. It's a very unpleasant stage that sadly all babies have to go through - and of course we wish we could take the pain for our children. Well even though we can't go through it for them, we can definitely do something to help it the best we can. Thankfully, our son has only had maybe 3 diaper rashes in his whole 16 months of life. But when he gets one - he gets it BAD! Mainly his rashes have been from teething...but this has helped drastically every single time.
We've tried 2 diaper rash creams for him. The first one I used because everyone was telling me how good it was, and's a German brand! It's the Penaten diaper rash cream. I've heard alot of people rave about it so I thought I'd give it a try. To be honest it didn't work so well for us - or for Landon I should say! It just didn't seem to help his rash much at all, and Ben and I both found it very hard to spread on since it was so super thick. We started to look for other creams to try when my mom mentioned one that she used for all of her babies - Zincofax. We've been using it ever since and won't be going back anytime soon! If you're on the hunt for a good diaper rash cream - you should definitely check this stuff out. If Landon could give it a thumbs up I'm sure he would!
Mayo Clinic Book
This was our absolute favourite Go-to guide for the pregnancy and after Landon was born. First we ended up buying "What to expect when you're expecting" - and we weren't all that pleased with it. The layout of the book was complicated and overwhelming for us. After doing tons of research and reviews online Ben came across this book and ordered it right away. As soon as we were looking through it we both agreed how amazing this book truly is. It was so nice to have a step by step guide through each week of the pregnancy - and with the incredible index we were able to have every question we could possibly think of, answered. I've recommended it to everyone and it's a definite "must have" on your bookshelf!
Ben: After Sarah brought home the "What to expect when you are expecting" book we started reading it but I quickly found it overwhelming and confusing. I did some research online and The Mayo Clinic book had great reviews on Amazon so we gave it a try and we were not disappointed. The book is very well organized by the different stages of the pregnancy and makes you feel prepared and informed about what is about to happen. It also has a helpful section of different symptoms that can occur during the pregnancy and if/when you should seek medical attention. It was the only book I needed during the pregnancy.
Huggies Wipes & Pampers Diapers
Our all time favourite diapers are Pampers. We've tried different brands but Pampers definitely came out on the top for us! The other brands like Huggies and Teddy never seemed to be able to handle Landon's do-dos all that well. We've always had tons of leakage with them - but never our Pampers. Here's something kinda funny actually...
We Love : Pampers Diapers But Dislike : Pampers Wipes
Dislike: Huggies Diapers But Love : Huggies Wipes
I know all of you probably think we're weirdos! But Huggies wipes Rule everybody! The biggest thing we noticed between Huggies & Pampers wipes is the thickness. Huggies wipes are atleast double the thickness then pampers! Which is awesome because a lot of the time one wipe will do the job - so you use less. Plus there's no wipe rippage - which is definitely a bonus! Those are our favourite diaper and wipes brands. What's your preference? We'd love to hear what worked best for you!
Nursing Cover

This product might not be for everyone - But I really enjoyed it! I couldn't breastfeed Landon for very long because my body wasn't producing enough milk for him - but I can honestly say this was one of my FAVOURITE products. I'm hoping when we have more children I'll be able to get more use out of it. I was never the type of gal that could nurse openly in public with nothing covering me. I just never had that kind of confidence. At first I would just use receiving blankets - but once I bought my nursing cover and tried it out, I instantly fell in love with it! It was so nice to be able to nurse in public with complete coverage, and not have to worry about the blanket constantly falling down and adjusting it. One thing I really liked about this cover was the opening at the top. It made it easy for Landon and I to see each other, and it also allowed for air flow for him to breathe and not get all hot and sweaty like he did under the blankets.
Another nice bonus I liked about my cover was that it has 2 storage pockets on the inside. It was perfect for storing extra nursing pads, some small wipes, or a pacifier. I honestly have nothing bad to say about this product - it was Fantastic! Definitely makes a great gift for a new mommy who you know is choosing to breastfeed!
If you'd like to check out these Bebe au Lait nursing covers just click HERE
Sleep Sacs

We are Sleep Sac lovers in this house. Landon has been wearing them since he was able to bust out of his little swaddle burrito. We tried regular blankets for him but he always seemed to roll or kick the blankets off and would wake up cold at night - But we discovered these Halo Sleep Sacs and problem solved!
These always keep him toasty warm and cozy all throughout the night. I hear so many mothers talking about how their worried about their babies and suffocation - but with these I never worried about that happening. Using these Sleep Sacs is especially nice for me because I can sleep well at night knowing that he's completely covered up the whole night and there's no chance of any blankets around his face. We have both the cotton fabric for summer, and the micro-fleece for the fall and winter months. We also love that they zip from the top down. Now that our little monkey is mobile - we purchased these sleep sacs with the openings for his feet.
He always looks so comfy in them! I've even used them to keep him warm and comfy in his car seat - or in the stroller in the evenings. These were a MUST to add to our list of favourites!
Make sure to check back here for Part 2 - Coming Soon! :)
Ben & Sarah
landon is the cutest little model ever ! <3 keep up with all the posts ! i love reading them :)