November 5th, 2015 is a day that I will forever hold close. Day's like today are rare - and so I must take the time to treasure it.
November 5th, 2015 started off like any old day - but then I quickly realized how unique it was. Today was a day of everything "Yes, Mama." With a smile I might add. It was a day of constant sharing. A day where the words ok, sure, and alright, were the continuous response after they were asked to do something. Turns were taken. Hugs were given. And bickering children were no where to be heard.
The four walls of our house could not contain us today. The hot sun was so glorious, beating down on us and keeping our bodies toasty warm. This November day felt like spring had sprung over again, and we enjoyed every second of it's beauty.
Today was worthy of being documented. I need to always remember grace-filled days like this. The joy of playing an actual full game of hide and seek with my children in the park. Capturing these moments of pure joy and happiness. Their laughter. The squealing little voices. It's music to me. Today felt like a reward after all of the challenging days. On November 5th, 2015 - nothing felt difficult. There was an abundance of energy and patience for this day. There was so much joy, love, laughter, and peace.
A day where I was all ears for the big stories from little people that needed to be heard. I could give them every ounce of my attention. That which I wish I could give to them everyday. I've been craving this calm interaction. To teach Landon how to skip rocks and to enjoy Jeremy's little hand holding tight onto my finger for a long while.
Lord, I thank you for days like today. For an entire day that I could fully enjoy and devote to these children you have given me. To be able not to focus on the overload of my household and to be completely at peace to just soak up all of these moments. I couldn't of asked for anything better.
November 5th, 2015 - Thank you for the memories. I needed this day.
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