At the end of a long day in these quiet moments, I thank God for my blessings. I have this whirlwind of appreciation building up inside of me and I just need to express it. This is a long overdue thank you letter that I've been meaning to start, and although I know I will never be able to write down each thing individually that I want to thank you for - at least this is a start.
Dear Mom & Dad,
First of all - I can't even begin to describe how important you both are to me. I think of how incredibly lucky I am to have you as my parents and my heart is so full. First of all - I love you both so much. Looking back on my childhood now that I'm an adult has left me so overwhelmed with emotions. I realize now just how much you've done for us. And that alone deserves a big thank you - one that I don't think I've appropriately done to date. Until I had children of my own I never fully understood all that you went through for your own children until now. The things that I was too young to understand, but do now.
Thank you so much for giving us such a good life. Looking back I always knew I was loved and felt it everyday. Thank you for the long countless sleepless nights that you let me crawl into your bed after a bad dream. For all of the things you gave up in life to have us, and for staying strong during the sick days. I can only imagine how hard the 2am hospital visits were on you when you had to work the following day. Thank you for all of the driving around that you did for us. For always reassuring us that you were only a phone call away, and for always loving us even when we were in the wrong.
Mom - You are so special to me. You've taught me so much my whole life and it has always been my dream to be just like you. Thank you for putting up with all of the diaper changes, and every time that we spit up on your clean shirt that you just put on. I understand the struggle now. Thank you for all of the time, effort, and love that went into packing our school lunches. I don't think I've ever mentioned it - but you always gave me a big smile at school from your hand written notes. Thank you for enduring the exhaustion. For bearing the days when the whining and fussing of multiple children seemed enough to send you running for the hills. You read us our favorite stories a million times over, and always let me pour the chocolate chips into the bowl when we made cookies together. Thank you for all of the driving that you did for us. Thank you for coming on our school trips, I was always so proud to have you on my school bus next to me. Thank you for being the strongest woman I know - thinking of all of that pain that you went through after breaking your ankle. Recovering with 4 children at home and yet countless times we would hear you singing, and you always kept a smile on your face.
Thank you for passing on the freckles gene to me. Knowing how much you've always loved them has made me embrace them and love them like you do. Thank you for always teaching me to show love to everyone around me. Thank you for all of the ping pong wars on Lincoln Ave, I always think about the times that we laughed so much we were sore for days afterward. Thank you for sharing your love of music with us. It's amazing how certain songs can bring back so many memories together. Thank you for all the days you cried with me. I always knew who I inherited my emotional side from. Thank you for your laughter. It's one of the best sounds there is. I love when we laugh together - and the way we can laugh when we're in the car lost somewhere. Thank you for teaching me all of your homemaking skills from how to sew a button onto a shirt to how to get your chicken soup just right. I will keep all of that with me forever. Thank you for staying with me after Landon was born. For sticking by my side for help and guidance. Thinking back to those days it's no surprise that I get emotional about it. You were there for so much and I don't know what I would of done without your support. I can never thank you enough for that comfort. You helped me and taught me new things each day, you comforted all of my worries and reassured me that I was doing a great job when I was so unsure of myself. Thank you for always reminding me that you're just a phone call away if I ever need anything. Thank you for being the most amazing Grandma I could of ever imagined for our boys. Seeing you with them gives me so much joy and I can't even begin to describe how much they adore you. And last but most certainly not least - Thank you for being such an amazing Godly example of what a mother really is, and always showing us so many acts of unconditional love. I love you so much, Mom.
Dad - There's so much that I want to express and I have no idea where to begin. Firstly, Thank you for hugging us. Everyday. Your bear hugs are something that we can never get enough of. Thank you for working the night shift all of those years to provide for your family. That alone was such a sacrifice that you made for us and I appreciate you so much for that. Thank you for raising us in the word and teaching us about the Lord Jesus and salvation. For this is the best gift you could of ever given us. Thank you for always offering to drive us where we needed to go somewhere and to pick us up anytime of the day. Or night. We always knew that we could count on you, and yet you did this lovingly and never complained.
Thank you for your humor. You've always been able to lighten up any mood with your jokes and laughs. People say I have that same trademark from you. Thank you for being so protective of us. Lord knows the things that could of occurred if you weren't. Thank you for investing so much time in raising us. You never failed to tell us when we were wrong. We may have hated it then, but definitely appreciate it now. Thank you for spending countless hours with us after you got home from work. I know now how tired you were, and yet you still made the effort to build forts in the living room and play play-doh with us. Thank you for video taping important experiences in our childhood. If it weren't for you we wouldn't have the videos we do today. Thank you for not getting upset with us when our report cards weren't perfect - and being so proud of us anyway. Thank you for braving the cold and building snowmen with us as kids. Thank you for always cuddling with us when we asked you, and for sharing your thumb that I always wanted to hold tight. Thank you for all of the hours that you spent giving us advice, and sorry for letting you down when we didn't always take it. Thank you for driving to Tim Horton's some Sunday mornings to pick up donuts for us. You always surprised us and made us smile every time. Thank you for letting us tag along with you to the farm, even though it was more work for you. Those special memories will never be erased. Thank you for working so hard to put food on the table - even when it was met with complaints and refusal to eat it. Thank you for being such an amazing Grandpa, and showing our children every ounce of love that you possibly have and more. The bond they have with you is such a gift. I can't thank you enough for each thing that you have done, and continue to do for your family. Thank you for your never ending love, assistance, and support in all that we do. Words aren't strong enough to explain how much I love you and appreciate you.
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(Don't mind the grumpy face here - I believe this was because we weren't supposed to blow out mom's birthday candles...) |
Mom and Dad - Thank you for loving us even when it was so hard. Thank you for giving us such a safe, loving, and stable home to grow up in. We couldn't of asked for a better childhood and so many loving memories. Thank you for making parenting mistakes, for those taught us lessons too. Thank you for investing so much time in raising all of us. I'm sorry for not always giving you my best effort, and all of the times I've disobeyed you. For not always taking your advice when I should of, and for being selfish at times, and for complaining when you really needed my help.
Thank you for wondering "Is this right?" "Am I doing ok as a parent?'' about a thousand times in quiet moments. I wish my adult self was there to reassure you that you were doing Great. Thank you for all of the hugs and kisses that I didn't always ask for but got. They were way better than the toys and treats that we always asked for. Thank you for my siblings. For expanding our family and for giving me these everlasting relationships with people that I love so dearly. Thank you for being strict with some things but also giving us freedom. Thank you for praying for us each and every day. Sometimes in tears. Please keep praying for us, and to continue to show us your examples of strength and wisdom. Growing up we never had to worry about what we were going to eat or wear. But more important than being physically cared for, you nurtured us spiritually too. Thank you for raising us to know the gospel. I pray that I will be the same example to my children that you've been to yours. Thank you for all of the years you've worked so hard. And all that you still do today. There aren't enough words to express my appreciation for you. Thank you for constantly reminding me that these are all things that we as parents are supposed to be doing for our children. And Thank you for all of the things that aren't mentioned here. There are so many - But nothing you've done has gone unnoticed. I'm hoping that when I continue to say "I love you" each time that I see you - you will remember how deeply I mean it.
Thank you. I admire you. I respect you. I Love you.