Rubber bands can be little heroes in the workplace. I can remember using them at Tim Hortons to keep folders closed, wrap around the coin rollers, or to quickly throw my hair up in a ponytail when I forgot my regular hair elastic. Of course I've used them for the normal things around the house too...Like closing up that stubborn frozen bag of peas that won't stay closed, using it as a bookmark, or even to keep wires together - but I've noticed there are many different uses for rubber bands that never crossed my mind before. If I'd find one laying around the house, I'd usually just chuck it in the garbage - and if you're the same way...think again! I've realized just how handy they are for many different things and I'll never be throwing another rubber band out again.
These are just 3 uses that might help make life a little easier. I've been using them and I absolutely love it! Some of you might know about these clever uses already but for those of you who don't - I'm sure you'll find it pretty cool!